Integrative Coaching

Revolutionize Your Coaching Practice with Integrative Coaching: Collaborate, Share Knowledge, and Enhance Client Outcomes

Introducing Integrative Coaching — The Ultimate Solution for Coaches and Therapists

Collaboration is key to providing the best possible care for your clients. With Integrative Coaching, therapists and coaches can work together to provide comprehensive end-to-end services for their clients. We understand the unique challenges faced by coaches and therapists, and we’ve designed our program to meet those needs.

Our Integrative Coaching program allows therapists and coaches to work side-by-side to provide a holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing. By sharing knowledge and expertise, we can help our clients achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of life.

"In order to build a more inclusive world, we must co-create solutions with diverse voices at the table."

- Nadiyah Taylor

Key Benefits of Integrative Coaching:

  • Collaboration: Our program facilitates seamless collaboration between coaches and therapists, ensuring that clients receive comprehensive support.

  • Shared Knowledge: Our Integrative Coaching approach allows coaches and therapists to share knowledge and expertise, providing clients with a more holistic and well-rounded approach to mental health and wellbeing.

  • Personalized Approach: We understand that each client is unique, which is why we tailor our approach to meet their individual needs. Our Integrative Coaching program is designed to provide personalized care and support for every client.

At Integrative Coaching, we’re dedicated to helping therapists and coaches provide the best possible care for their clients. By working together, we can help our clients achieve their goals and live happier, healthier lives.

Here’s how it works!

1. Apply to Join: If you're a licensed mental health professional or certified life, executive, or transformational coach, you can apply to join our community of experts. Simply complete our application and we'll review it to determine if you're a good fit for our program.

2. Connect with a Power Team: Once you're approved, we'll assign you to a power team consisting of other experts in complementary fields. Your team will have monthly calls where you can share needs, successes, resources, and expertise to enhance the overall quality of care for your clients.

What is a power team? Mental Health professionals and coaches work collaboratively to provide comprehensive end-to-end services for clients. Each team is carefully composed to include experts with different areas of specialization, ensuring that clients receive well-rounded, tailored support. The team also supports each other by generating new business and sharing resources and expertise.

3. Participate in Quarterly Training Calls: We believe in continuous learning and development, which is why we offer quarterly training calls to help you stay up-to-date with the latest research-based methods and techniques. These calls are also an opportunity to connect with other experts in the program and share best practices.